AGECS Reports

100 Years Anniversary Projects
This report chronologically documents the AGECS 100 Year Anniversary Projects committee activities, from 2021 through to the end of 2022.

ECP and Member Profile
This report provides a detailed comparison of the national early childhood professional profile and the AGECS member database up to the beginning of 2023. This report was written to inform the development of the AGECS’ Strategic Plan 2022-2027.

AGECS Strategic Plan 2022-2027
This document outlines the themes, values and goals of AGECS Council for the next five years. Details on the development of this report can be found in the Overview of the AGECS Strategic Activities report.

Overview of the AGECS Strategic Activities
This report chronologically documents the Council and contractor activities involving the development of a strategic plan and associated activities beginning in 2022.
Coming soon.

Community Engagement and Consultation Survey Findings
This document reports on the findings of the AGECS Community Engagement and Consultation Survey undertaken in 2023. The findings from this report may assist other professional learning providers adapt their provisions to the voices of early childhood professionals.