Free resources

There are ample resources available online to support early childhood professionals of all qualifications and experience. The hard part can be knowing where to start looking. We have compiled a list of websites, fact sheets, videos and other resources that will start you on a professional learning journey.

Government Resources

There are a number of government organisations and departments that create, collate and share resources designed for early childhood professionals to use or implement. Here is a non-exhaustive list of those websites and their resource pages, where you can explore to find exactly what you are looking for.


The ACECQA website contains resources aimed to help overall quality improvement, based on the NQF.

Access the website.

Department of Education

The Department of Education and Training website contains information needed to run ECEC programs.

Access the website here.

FUSE Early Childhood

FUSE was created to help teachers and educators deliver learning experiences on a range of topics.

Access the website here.

Starting Blocks

Starting Blocks is a website aimed at educating parents and guardians. It has ample resources on child development.

Access the wesbite here. 


The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority website contains resources to help teachers and educators improve their understanding and undertaking of assessment and curriculum planning.

Access the website here.


The Victorian Institute of Teaching website contains professional learning resources to help provisionally registered and graduate teachers.

Access the wesbite here. 

AGECS Resources

AGECS have created or funded a number of resources that are accessible to everyone, not just our members. Below find our publications, events and online self-paced learning.

AGECS Funded Projects and Programs

Through initiatives such as the Fellowship Program for Leadership and Change and Foundation grants, AGECS have contributed funding to a number of early childhood professionals undertaking projects and programs that have the outcome of improving outcomes for all children. View some of these resources below.

EC Defence Programs

Embedding Cultural Diversity for Under Threes

Possum Skin Pedagogy

Ahead of the Times

AGECS social media campaign ‘Ahead of the Times’ shares historic documents found in AGECS files and storage from the distant and not so distant past.

View the historic resources here. 

Professional Development Events

AGECS run free online professional development events throughout the year.

Follow our Eventbrite account to stay up to date with our live events.

Reconciliation Series

AGECS and Girraway Ganyi Consultancy have created three series to help early childhood professionals begin or continue their reconciliation journey.

Access the AGECS Reconciliation Series here.

Charities, Peak Bodies and Non-Government Organisations

There is a huge number of charities and non-government organsations whose mission is to improve the lives and trajectories of young children. These organisations often publish resources and articles that can be beneficial for parents and early childhood professionals. 

ABC Kids

The ABC produce multiple early childhood related resources, outside of their television content. This includes resources for families, for children and for teachers in the form of fact sheets, articles, apps and more.

View ABC Kids Education here.

Australian Childhood Foundation

Australian Childhood Foundation provide training and development on trauma, however not all of it is free.

Explore their resources here. 



Australian Education Research Organisation undertake and share research with education professionals. They have created an online early learning practice hub where they share their findings on literacy, numeracy, evidence based practice and more.

Explore the early learning practice hub here.


Community Child Care

CCC are a membership based organisation who advocate for community-based early childhood services. As well as paid resourcse, they produce a free blog and other useful resources for teachers and educators and their practice. CCC also run the Victorian Inclusion Agency which hosts many resources aimed to improve the inclusion of all children, especially those experiencing vulnerability.

View the CCC resources page here.

View the VIA website here.

Early Childhood Australia

ECA are a peak body who provide professional development, publish multiple journals and have a membership based learning hub. They have a mixture of free and paid for resources, and a free blog called The Spoke. 

View their resoures here.


Raising Children Network

Raising Children Network is a website aimed at parents for children of all ages, from newborn to adulthood. The resources are useful to share with families, but there is also educational material relevant for ECEC teachers and educators needing refreshers on children’s development, learning and behaviours. 

View their website here.

Reconciliation Australia

Reconciliation Australia provides resources and information for educators wanting to undertake a Reconciliation Action Plan in their workplace.

Visit Narragunnawali here.


Royal Children's Hospital

The RCH provide fact sheets and other free information to educate parents and early childhood professionals on a range of health related issues faced by young children. 

Visit Kids Health Info here.


The Lego Foundation

The Lego Foundation run website Learning Through Play, which contains a variety of articles, resources and guides for educators and parents.

Access their website here.

Thrive by Five

Thrive by Five is an early childhood project run by the Minderoo Foundation.

Access their resource page here. 


Approved Providers

Approved providers often create resources to educate and inform their own staff. Sometimes these resources are available for free on their websites. Below we have provided the resources pages for some of Australia’s largest approved providers. 

Goodstart Early Learning

Goodstart Early Learning have  a ‘parenting’ section on their website that contains handy resources for educators communicating with families.

Access the parenting page here. 


Gowrie Victoria

Gowrie Victoria release a magazine each quarter.

Access the current and past editions here. 

Uniting VicTas

UnitingVicTas offer resources that can help explain early learning to families. They also offer stories of different early childhood professionals in different settings. 

Access the Uniting VicTas resources page here.

Practice Guides

Practice guides cover a range of practical skills, concepts and learning environments. Many organisations have collaborated with experts to develop practice guides on a range of topics. AGECS has collated various guides, all accessible for free, for you to read to engage in evidence informed practice and reflective practice.  

VEYLDF Practice Papers & Guides

The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework has a foundation in 8 practice principles. For each practice principle there is a practice guide and practice paper, all listed below.

Principle 1: Reflective practice

Practice paper

Practice guide

Principle 2: Partnerships with families

Practice paper

Practice Guide

Principle 3: High expectations for every child

Practice paper

Practice guide

Principle 4: Respectful relationships and responsive enagement

Practice paper

Practice guide

Principle 5: Equity and diversity

Practice paper

Practice guide

Principle 6: Assessment for learning and development

Practice paper

Practice guide

Principle 7: Integrated teaching and learning approaches

Practice paper

Practice guide

Principle 8: Partnerships with professionals

Practice paper

Practice guide

AERO Practice Guides

Miscellaneous Free Resources

The following resources come from a variety of creators and publishers, most being independent. Some of these are free resources from for-profit organisations and private companies, some are free resources provided by charities, individuals and approved providers. 

A Beginner's Guide to...

Harvard Center on the Developing Child

Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child undertakes research on children’s development, especially around children experiencing vulnerability, and create accessible resources for parents, teachers and other early childhood professionals.

Access the Centre on the Developing Child here.

Learning Links

Learning Links are a peak body that aim to assist the identification and inclusion of children with learning disabilities and difficulties. They have paid courses, but they also provide free fact sheets and other information. 

Visit the Learning Links website here.

Physical Skills and Development

Kiddo is a evidence informed physical skills and education program, developed from research undertaken at the University of Western Australia. The program does have fees included, but the free website has a resource library with activities, posters and general information about children’s physical developement. 

Visit the Kiddo resource library here.  

Play Move Improve

Play Move Improve is run by exercise physiologist Robyn Papworth. Robyn has a number of free resources available on her website, all of which focus on the holistic nature of children’s physical and motor development and regulation, including instructions and ideas on how to include specific skill learning into programming. 

Visit Play Move Improve site. 

STEM Games

The NT Government, in collaboration with the University of Melbourne, produced the following games and learning experiences to use in early learning settings to increase STEM knowledge of both children and educators.

View Engineering games here.

View Maths games here.

View Science games here.

View Technology games here.

Visuals and Communication

The Spanish Government’s Aragonese Centre for  Augmentative and Alternative Communication has a free search engine for images intended for children’s visual communication boards and systems. 

Access the ARASAAC search engine here.