Two video and resource materials have been developed by Alannah Dore to empower early childhood teachers and educators to embed Cultural Diversity into their programs for children aged birth to 2 years, and their families. This project was made possible through an AGECS Fellowship for Leadership and Change grant in 2016.

The resources that accompany each video use quotes from people who feature in the video to stimulate reflection and action. The videos and resources are available to early childhood teachers and educators to use individually and as part of their staff development.

If requested – the password to access the videos is:   agecsvideo


Culture for Under-threes: Based on the EYLF for Australia

This video has been designed to assist you in identifying how to respond to and include cultural diversity in your program with under-threes. When you are watching the video look for an example of each of the following:

  1. A resource you could use in your learning environment.
  2. A way to obtain family input into the program
  3. A routine that could support an individual child feel a sense of belonging by including that child’s culture
FOR SELF-REFLECTION AND  STAFF MEETINGS Things you can do with children
Things you can do with families
Things you can do with the community
Things you can reflect and act upon with fellow educators



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures for All Under-threes in Victoria. Based on the EYLF for Australia.

This video has been designed to assist you in identifying how to include cultural diversity  in your program with under-threes. When you are watching the video look for an example of each of the following:

  1. A resource you could use in your learning environment.
  2. A way to obtain family input into the program
  3. A routine that could support an individual child feel a sense of belonging by including that child’s culture
FOR SELF-REFLECTION AND  STAFF MEETINGS Things you can do with children
Things you can do with families
Things you can do with the community
Things you can reflect and act upon with fellow educators